Event Description

The Rise of Beijing

  • Date: 10/31/2022
  • Location: Wenchang, Hainan, China
  • Photo Credit: CMSA

The Complete Construction of Tiangong

The adrenaline starts to arise in my body. The high arousal negative effect kicked in when I saw the news on the trick-or-trick day. China announced the final module of Tiangong’s construction has been completed. My emotions are indescribable, well it is not the first time China is getting close to interfering with the success in our Space Race.

China is seen as a compatible contender as the Soviets in the initial Space Race. Since the Open Door policy, China has been striving to replace the U.S as the boss in multiple races, including Space development. Tiangong is the first space station in China and its main goals are to conduct research including gravity and food sustainability and to probe into Mars.