Event Description

Launch of Sputnik 1

  • Date: 10/04/1957
  • Location: Gagarin's Start, Kazakhstan
  • Photo Credit: NASA/Asif A. Siddiqi

The first man-made object in space

When I walked into the NASA office today, I shared the same look of shock and concern as everyone else. No one could believe the radio headline of the last 24 hours. "The Soviet Union has successfully launched the first satellite into space. It's name is Sputnik 1."

With this news confirming the Soviet Union's edge in the Space Race, the American pride of being the most technologically advanced was immediately shot down. We are officialy behind. There's no denying the threat of a possible Soviet attack anymore. I've heard whispers from leadership about an urgent need to speed up operations and re-evaluate priorities, so we will just see how this plays out. For now, I guess all I can do is to mentally prepare to be much busier at work.