Event Description

First Human in Space

  • Date: 04/12/1961
  • Location: Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan
  • Photo Credit: BBC

The first manned spaceflight

Well I guess the joy of thinking we were neck-and-neck in the Space Race has unexpectedly come crashing down to nothing once again. The Soviet Union has officially beat us in sending a human into space. I guess they will forever be known as the nation of the first cosmonaut...

Though we knew both sides were working to achieve this milestone next, we did not thinking they had such an edge on us. We are currently in the stage of experimentation, still trying to figure out how to safely send an animal, let alone a human being into orbit. After the conclusion of the successful Soviet mission, they decided to really flaunt their success by having celebrations bigger than anything I have heard about since D-Day. I guess were back to square one again. Time to go mentally prepare for strict talks with my supervisor and a sudden increase in stress levels throughout the office.

PS: I'm adding something to this log on May 5th, 1961. Though I was sulking just a mere two weeks ago, we are once again a worthy contender in the space race! America has officially sent their first man into space, Alan Shepard. This is the little glimpse of hope that we all needed to keep developing this groundbreaking technology.

PPS: Almost a year later, Astronaut John Glenn has become the first American in orbit. This Friendship 7 mission took Glenn around the earth 3 times, twice more than Gagarin's flight.