Event Description

Ranger 7 Mission

  • Date: 07/28/1964
  • Location: Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA
  • Photo Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

First success in early moon exploration

After President Kennedy's public announcement of a commitment to getting man onto the moon within the decade, the four letter 'Moon' has been the hot topic amongst NASA scientists. There has been somewhat of a slow period both with the Soviets and Americans in this quest to reach the moon. On our side, NASA already had 13 failed missions, with 6 being in this new mission initiative called 'Ranger'.

But that all changed with Ranger 7. As with the completion of every milestone throughout this Space Race, the morale within the space station shot up as we received not only a couple, but 4316 high definition images of the surface of the moon from Ranger 7. These pictures are the first step in a long journey of deep exploration on the moon! I can't wait to see what new information will be discovered from the deep analysis of each and every one of these images. We might even be able to find the landing spot for man's first steps on the moon!