Event Description

First Spacewalk

  • Date: 03/18/1965
  • Location: Outer Space
  • Photo Credit: SPUTNIK / Alamy Stock Photo

A human completes a spacewalk

Amidst all the excitement with the images coming in from the Ranger 7 mission, the Soviet Union has once again climbed ahead in another area of the Space Race. I really don't know what it is, but they seem to figure out how to complete this sending humans into space set of milestones much quicker than us American scientists at NASA can. Though it is exciting to know that it is possible for a human to complete a spacewalk, it is disappointing to know that this moment will go down into the history books as a Soviet win, not an American one. I guess all that can be done now is to keep going with all the progress we have made, endure, and hope that America comes out on top at the end of this grueling Space Race.