Event Description

First Man on the Moon

  • Date: 07/20/1969
  • Location: Moon
  • Photo Credit: NASA

America has won the Space Race

Apollo 11 is definitely a mission that will be remembered forever. The Space Race is over. America has won the Space Race. We are the first nation to make it to the Moon!

It is crazy to think that the Apollo 1 tragedy was only two years ago. Imagine if that incident led to the abandonement of going to the moon all together. But look at us now. We didn't even need a full decade to make it to the moon. I would like to think all of America was sitting on the edge of their seat as they listened to the long process of Eagle's descent. But as soon as Commander Neil Armstrong declared that the Eagle had landed safely, I could hear the entire Space Station, and seemingly the entire nation, stand up and cheer. Today really is a day of celebration.